Investment Services

Mobile Stock Trading

​Stock exchange investments and banking transactions are in one application! Besides monitoring real time data is free of charge!​

Stock Trading Platform

​Take advantage of Stock Trading Platform before investing in Equities.​

Maximum Account

​Maksimum Account earns you both time and money. While you enjoy the pleasure of the life; your money keeps on earning. Thanks to Maksimum Account, your money earns value and in the meanwhile your payment orders are carried out automatically. ​

Regular Fund Buying

​Give regular fund buying instruction via your İşbank account or Maximum Card; turn your small savings into big savings.​

Üstü Kalsın

​On the second step of Maximum Saving Campaign, İşbank introduces a brand new service in Turkey: Üstü Kalsın ®. Anyone with İşbank credit card and investment account will enjoy making savings while shopping with their credit cards. 

Tax Manual

​In 1st of October, 2006 effective changes were made in the taxation of gains secured on the sale of shares in Mutual Funds that are subject to tax under transition article 67 of the income tax law. ​


​Find actual and legal announcements here.​

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