Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Cookie Policy

Protection Of Personal Data

​Türkiye İş Bankası shows special consideration in ensuring the safety and privacy of the information belonging to our customers. This matter is a legal obligation of our Bank in accordance with the relevant legislation as well as it is a priority of our Bank's sensitivity of the issue. In the scope of our approach in showing the utmost care to protect our customers’ information and to act in accordance with the relevant legislation; our bank prepared detailed regulations on this issue and accepted the principle to protect our customer information throughout all of our practices. In addition to that, we prepared procedures to ensure that all of our employees demonstrate the highest level of sensitivity in this matter.

The personal data saved by automated or non-automated means and/ or shared electronically by our website visitors will be used primarily to fulfill their demands, and later on to provide them better online and banking services. Also, in accordance with the Privacy Policy of our bank, we show due diligence in protection and safety of your personal data.
Information including personal data belonging to our customers is not shared in any way or form with third parties without customers’ consent, except for the cases where legal entities or regulatory authorities demand access to these information according to relevant legislation.

Our Bank ensures that our supporting services’ providers do always abide by our Bank’s privacy standards and requirements.
Accordingly, it is our basic approach to protect all information belonging to the Bank and to our customers from unauthorized access, false use and alteration, corrosion and destruction; ensure the privacy, integrity and availability of the information. 

This policy covers the information shared on this website and via other channels of our Bank; meaning privacy policies, ethical principles and terms of use of the websites we have given links to and of other websites will be in force. Therefore, our Bank is not responsible for the financial/emotional damages suffered in these websites.

When you share your personal information (address, phone, fax, e-mail etc.) with our Bank, this will only be used for fulfilling the services that you demanded, communicating (regarding operation and maintenance services) and renewing you contracts. Your data will not be shared with third parties unless you have given your consent for data sharing. However our bank may be obliged to share information with some third parties even without obtaining your consent when it is mandatory by law.  We may communicate with you for marketing and promotion of banking, insurance and financing product and services if  you are in our approved data base. You have a right of withdrawing your approval when you do not want to receive e-communications of our Bank. You will be released from our list of related channel by, for example, clicking the link “Please click here if you do not wish to receive any e-mail from our Bank regarding promotion of new product or services.” you may find at the bottom of an e-mail. On the other hand, when logging into İşCep, you can allow us to view your location in order to view the branches and ATMs near you and to be informed about the opportunities close to your location and you can turn off your location sharing permission from your phone's settings at any time. Even when İşCep is not used, the location permission you need to provide for us to communicate opportunities close to your location is taken within the scope of explicit consent and can be opened by obtaining approval after login İşCep and closed again from İşCep at any time.​ When using the İşCep application, we use the solutions we obtain from our business partners to detect applications that may be malware on your device, in order to both meet our legal obligations and protect the device on which you use İşCep.​

Our Bank reserves it’s right to modify this Privacy Policy in order to comply with the most updated version of the data protection law, without a prior notice to its customers or visitors. It is submitted that, such a revision on our privacy policy will be announced on our website as soon as possible.  This privacy policy also applies to our mobile banking application İşCep. This policy has been last changed on 10.03.2023.

Institution Information
Address of the General Directorate: İş Kuleleri 34330 Levent Beşiktaş-Istanbul
Phone: 90(212) 316 00 00
Fax: 90(212) 316 09 00

Service Provider
Türkiye İş Bankası A.Ş.

Authorized Audit Body
Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency (BRSA)
Postal Address: Büyükdere Caddesi No:106 Şerbetçi İş Merkezi Esentepe Şişli/İstanbul
Phone: (212) 214 50 00
Fax: (212) 216 09 92

​Revision Date: 21.02.2019

What are the cookies?
Nowadays almost every website uses cookies. To be able to provide you a better, faster and safer experience, like many other websites, İş Bankası also uses cookies. These technologies are being used in accordance with the regulations that we are liable to, especially in accordance with Personal Data Protection Law numbered 6698 (“Law numbered 6698”).

Cookies are some kind of identification files which are placed into the computer by a website. When you visit that website again, it provides the identification of the computer.

Cookies help the website to remember information related to your visit (for example, the language that you prefer and other settings) It can provide convenience in your next visit and it can make the website more useful.

The purpose of this cookie policy is to give you information related to process of personal data collected during the use of cookies by customer/website users/members/visitors (“relevant person”) during the operation of (“Site”) which is being run by us. In this Cookie Policy, we would like to explain you what our purposes are to use these cookies and how you can manage these cookies.

Cookie Use of İş Bankası
By visiting website, you accept that it plants the necessary cookies for the use of website of İş Bankası.

İş Bankası uses the information gathered by means of cookies in accordance with Briefing on İş Bankası Personal Data Protection and Process which can be found at

If you don’t want İş Bankası to store cookies in your device, you can deny the use of cookies through the settings or preferences of your browser. In this case, you may not use some functions and parts of the usual way.

İş Bankası can renounce use of cookies in cases it deemed necessary, change the types or functions of cookies or add new cookies to the website. Therefore, this Cookie Policy can be altered at any time. In cases that cookie policy is amended, it will be valid from the revision date stated at the top of the page. We would suggest you getting information related to cookie use by examining Cookie Policy at certain times.

For detailed information of process of personal data by our Bank, we suggest you reading Briefing on Personal Data Protection and Process which can be found at  

Which Cookies Are Being Used For Which Purposes?

In general 
As İş Bankası, we use cookies in our website for several purposes and we process your personal data by means of these cookies. These purposes are mainly these:

To improve the functionality of the website and provide ease of use. For example, user name or search inquiries of the visitor will be remembered in his/her next visit or members who logged into the website will not have to enter password again while visiting different pages on the website. 
To analyse the website and increase the performance of the website. For example, integration of different servers of the website works on, determining the number of visitors of the website, reporting the usage statistics of the website and making performance adjustments accordingly or making it easy for visitors to find what they are looking for. 
To carry out personalization, targeting and advertising activities. For example, displaying commercials related to interests of the visitors by way of the pages and products that the visitors viewed. At the same time presenting contents special to the user in the website.
To measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and increase productivity. For example, determining that whether you click on an ad that you have seen on the website or not, whether you benefit from the service on that website that you have been directed to, after that ad took your attention. In this scope, showing ads related to your interest areas and limiting the number of ads.

Your personal data can be processed for the purposes stated above with your consent in situations required pursuant to 5th and 8th articles of Law numbered 6698, and without your consent in the contrary cases in the scope of exceptions stated in 5th and 8th articles of the law, for the purposes stated above. As İş Bankası, we may share your information in the scope of Cookie Policy to carry out the purposes stated above and with limitations and in accordance with the regulation, with third parties that our bank benefit from their services, with subsidiaries, business partners and affiliates. We would like to state that the parties that your data is transferred to, can save your personal data in servers in every location of the world.

İş Bankası uses up to 4 type of cookies:

İş Bankası 4 tür çereze kadar kullanır:

Cookie Type
Certainly, Required Cookies
Anonymous cookies that provide the opportunity for visitors to browse through and they can reach secure areas by using their features. Information gathered by these cookies cannot be used with marketing purposes. If the use of these type of cookies are not allowed, some parts of cannot be used. For example, when you log in to the website, authentication cookies help you to continue your login when you reach different pages in the website.​ 
Performance Cookies
They are anonymous cookies which helps İş Bankası to improve its website. This type of cookies gathers information how visitors use and used to determine the most visited pages, whether the website works properly or not, or to determine errors. WebAnalytic cookies can be shown as an example of this type of cookies. Information gathered by these cookies cannot be used with marketing purposes and cannot be given to third parties.
Functionality Cookies

They are anonymous cookies which help İş Bankası to remember visitor characteristics and preferences. Based upon this information, can display content to every visitor, it also provides remembrance of language selection or the size of font when an article is being read. In case the use of this type of cookies aren’t allowed;
• Some parts of may not be used,
• It can decrease the level of support that can provide.
• If doesn’t remember your preferences, you may not use a custom feature or that custom feature may not be displayed. It prevents the website from remembering your preferences. 
​Target cookies or advertisement cookies
​This type of cookies usually placed by advertising network of within the knowledge of İş Bankası. The intended purposes of the cookies in question are as in the following;
• To show related and customized ads
• To limit the number of the displayed ads. 
• To measure the effectiveness of the advertisement campaign
• To remember your visit preferences 

How can the use of cookies be controlled?

You have a chance to customize your preferences related to cookies by changing the settings of your browser.

Adobe Analytics
Google Adwords 
Google Analytics 
Google Chrome
Internet Explorer
​Mozilla Firefox

What Are Your Rights As Related Person?

Pursuant to 11th article of Law numbered 6698, 

You have the right to:

• Learn whether your personal data is processed or not,
• Demand information related to this if your data is processed,
• Learn the purpose of personal data process and whether data is used in accordance with the purposes or not,
• Know the third parties in the country or at abroad who the personal data transferred to,
• Demand the correction of personal data if it is missing or wrong and demand that the transaction carried out in this context is notified to third parties who the data is transferred to,
• Demand the deletion or destruction of personal data in case the reasons that require process cease to exist even the data is processed in accordance with Law numbered 6698 and other related provisions and demand that the transaction carried out in this context is notified to third parties who the data is transferred to. 
• Object to a result which creates an adverse effect on the person through analysing of the processed data via exclusively automatic systems,
• Demand the compensation of the damage in case you suffer damage due to illegal process of personal data. 

In case you relay your demands related to rights in question via the methods regulated at below, our Bank will conclude the demand as soon as possible and in thirty days at the latest according to the nature of the demand and for no charge. However, in case the transaction creates an extra expense, the price determined in the price list by Personal Data Protection Council of our Bank will be collected. In this scope, you can relay your demands related exercising the rights stated above pursuant to 13th article, 1st paragraph of the Law numbered 6698, in writing or via other methods determined by Personal Data Protection Council in the future. In this framework, channels and methods that you will submit your application in writing for the application that you will make to our Bank in the scope of 11th article of the Law numbered 6698 are explained at below. The petition that has wet signature and that you write to exercise your rights stated above;

• can be submitted to the our nearest Branch with the documents that identify you,
• or can be sent to the address “İş Kuleleri 34330 Levent Beşiktaş-İstanbul” through a notary public,
• or can be sent to email address with secure electronic signature.



In order to provide you with our products and services continuously and securely both in Turkey and abroad, we may collect, process and transfer your personal data to third parties when necessary.

We take the highest level of security precautions to protect your personal data’s confidentiality while collecting, processing, transferring and retaining them in accordance with law.

We would like to inform you of your rights, methods of retrieving your personal data and legal basis for its processing in the most transparent manner.

a) Data Controller 
Your personal data will be collected and processed pursuant to the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No.6698 (Law No.6698) by TÜRKİYE İŞ BANKASI A.Ş. (our Bank) as the data controller within the scope described below.

b) Purposes for Processing of Personal Data
Your personal data will be processed for purposes of the performance of contracts to which you are party or in order to take steps at your request; conducting necessary evaluations in order to provide you with our services; creditworthiness assessments; compliance with domestic and international legislation including but not limited to, banking, insurance, anti-money laundering, capital market, tax, social security, consumer law; compliance with obligations of risk monitoring and notification; the fulfillment of information sharing, reporting and notification obligations specified by the Credit Bureau, Interbank Card Center, Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey, Capital Markets Board of Turkey, Financial Crimes Investigation Board, The Banks Association of Turkey, Ministry of Finance Revenue Administration, Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry Undersecretariat of Treasury and other authorities; fulfillment of legal record keeping obligations arising from law; prevention of fraud; security; business planning and conducting statistical analyses; setting business strategies; carrying out financial, communication, market research and purchasing operations; continuous management of system and application operations; administration of legal processes; carrying out corporate social responsibility projects; maintaining service quality, reliability and availability in accordance with the conditions and purposes of the processing of personal data as specified in articles 5 and 6 of the Law No.6698.

In addition, your personal data may be processed for the purposes of providing goods and services tailored for you, communicating to you about our services and products; moreover, introducing and offering our services and products to you, carrying out marketing activities and campaign operations in case your consent is obtained, developing services and products that are suitable to you, carrying out customer satisfaction studies, current or new product development processes of ours or our affiliates, conducting market research and determining target customer groups.

Within the context of contracts our Bank entered into or activities carried out together with third parties, which may be real persons or legal entities, your personal data may be processed for purposes of fulfilling legal and commercial obligations of our Bank arising from contracts, establishing a right, protecting rights, conducting commercial and legal assessment processes as well as legal and commercial risk analyses and carrying out financial operations.

c) The Recipients and Purposes of Personal Data Transfers
Within the framework of primarily Banking Law and other relevant legislation, limited to carrying out aforementioned purposes and fulfillment of the obligations arising from legislation, your personal data may be transferred to authorities such as Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey, Capital Markets Board of Turkey, Financial Crimes Investigation Board, The Banks Association of Turkey, Ministry of Finance Revenue Administration, Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry Undersecretariat of Treasury; to legally authorized public institutions such as ministries and judicial authorities; to institutions such as Interbank Card Center, Credit Bureau (KKB) and FINDEKS; to domestic and international business associates of our Bank; to shareholders; to affiliates and to companies on behalf of whom our Bank acts as an agency or to whom provides intermediary services; to support service institutions from which our Bank has received services which are complementary to or an extension of its core business and to its other contractual parties; to consultants and institutions with whom it has collaborated to the extent allowed by applicable law; to financial institutions; to independent auditing companies; to payment systems companies such as Europay Int. SA, Western Union, Mastercard Int. INC, Visa INC, JCB Int. Co., Maestro, and Electron; to other card issuing companies and banks in accordance with the conditions and purposes of the processing of personal data as specified in article 8 of Law No.6698 regarding the transfer of personal data and article 9 regarding the international transfers of personal data.  

d) Method of and Legal Basis for Collection of Personal Data
Your personal data is collected via channels through which our Bank or organizations entitled to represent our Bank have communicated or might communicate with you such as İş Bankası General Directorate, its Branches, ATMs, website, the internet branch, mobile or digital applications, social media, call centers, companies on behalf of whom our Bank acts as an agency or to whom provides intermediary services, contractual vendors, customer interviews, SMS, requests directed to ours or other websites, direct sales teams, merchants and Point of Sale terminals of the merchants such as member stores or e-commerce websites, support service institutions including but not limited to call center services, by collecting data from the market for assessing creditworthiness, through access to databases of various institutions to the extent allowed by applicable law or as agreed in a contract or obtaining your consent where required by applicable law. 

Your personal data collected by aforementioned methods can be processed and transferred for the purposes specified in articles (b) and (c) of this notice in accordance with the conditions and purposes of the processing of personal data as specified in articles 5 and 6 of Law No.6698.

e) Rights of Data Subject as Specified in Article 11 of the Law No.6698
Based on article 11 of Law No.6698, as a data subject you have the rights to:

• learn whether or not your personal data have been processed,
• request information concerning the processing if your personal data have been processed,
• learn the purpose for the processing of your personal data and whether your personal data have been used in accordance with the purpose,
• know the third parties within Turkey or abroad to whom personal data have been transferred,
• request rectification in case your personal data have been processed incompletely or inaccurately and request notification of the operations made within this context to third parties to whom your personal data have been transferred,
• request deletion or destruction of your personal data in case the reasons necessitating their processing cease to exist, despite your personal data have been processed in accordance with Law No.6698 or other relevant laws, and request notification of the operations made within this context to third parties to whom your personal data have been transferred,
• object to occurrence of any result deriving from a decision based solely on automated processing and that is to your detriment,
• request compensation for the damages in case you incur damages due to unlawful processing of personal data

Once your request regarding your aforementioned rights is received by our Bank, depending on nature of your request, we will respond to you free of charge without undue delay and not later than thirty days. However, in case the operation necessitates an additional cost, the fee in the tariff designated by Personal Data Protection Board may be collected. Pursuant to Article 13 paragraph 1 of Law No.6698, you may forward the request to exercise your aforementioned rights in writing or via other methods that the Personal Data Protection Board will specify. The procedures through which you may forward your request regarding article 11 of Law No.6698 are explained below.

In order to exercise your rights specified above you shall submit or forward your original ink signed request to;

- our branches with additional documents that verify your identity,
- the address “İş Kuleleri 34330 Levent Beşiktaş-İstanbul” via notary public,
- with a secure electronic signature subject to Turkish Electronic Signature Law No. 5070.

Last Update: 11.05.2018

Institution Information
General Directorate Address: İş Kuleleri 34330 Levent Beşiktaş-İstanbul
Phone: 90(212) 316 00 00
Fax: 90(212) 316 09 00

Hosting Provider
Türkiye İş Bankası A.Ş.

Authorized Auditing Body
Bankacılık Düzenleme ve Denetleme Kurumu (BDDK)
Postal Address: Büyükdere Caddesi No:106 Şerbetçi İş Merkezi Esentepe Şişli/İstanbul
Phone: (212) 214 50 00
Fax: (212) 216 09 92

X Kapat