Memberships and Initiatives

Memberships and Initiatives

United Nations Net-Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA)

İ​​​​şbank joined the Net-Zero Banking Alliance, which was founded by the UN to make sure that member banks align their portfolios with net-zero emission targets in line with the Paris Climate Agreement by 2050, by pledging to support the global transition to a carbon-free economy. Within the scope of this membership, which is critical in mobilizing the finance sector for the climate, the Bank has committed to support its customers' transition to a net-zero economy by focusing its 2030 targets on carbon-intensive sectors, as well as reporting and publishing its progress toward its emission targets on an annual basis.​

United Nations Environment Program Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) 

Principles of Responsible Banking (PRB)

In 2020, İşbank signed the Principles for Responsible Banking announced by UNEP FI in 2019, which aims to align the banking sector with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement. These principles outline the role of banking in the new economy and seek to maximize the banking sector's impact in achieving an equitable and prosperous future. As a signatory of the UNEP FI Principles for Responsible Banking and a member of UNEP FI, İşbank completed its portfolio impact analysis studies in 2022 and disclosed its compliance with the principles in the Principles for Responsible Banking Reports for 2022 and 2023.​

United Nations Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs)

WEPs consists of guiding principles for the empowerment of women in the workplace and community. The principles aim to promote women's participation at every stage of working life and their empowerment by highlighting the importance that companies place on equal opportunities and their practices that respect gender equality. İşbank underlined the importance it attaches to gender equality by signing the United Nations Women's Empowerment Principles.

Integrated Reporting Turkey Network (ERTA)

Founded to raise awareness on integrated reporting and integrated thinking throughout Turkey, ERTA strives to enhance the capacity of businesses and ensure that good practices are shared. It is an association that aims to contribute to the spread of integrated thinking in all institutions and organizations by collaborating with public, private sector, non-governmental and academic institutions at national and international level. The Bank is a member of ERTA.

Business Council for Sustainable Development (BCSD Türkiye)

Business Council for Sustainable Development (BCSD Türkiye) is a business association founded in 2004 by 13 private sector representatives that solely accepts corporate membership. BCSD Türkiye seeks to ensure that the fundamental elements and principles of sustainable development are better understood, adopted and implemented in the business world. İşbank joined of BCSD Türkiye in 2023.

UN Global Compact

UN Global Compact encourages institutions to act in cooperation to create a sustainable and inclusive global economy. İşbank commits to comply with the 10 principles of the Global Compact in all its activities.

İşbank is also a member of the Global Compact Working Group on Sustainable Finance in Turkey. The Group aims to increase commitment to sustainability in reel sector, Turkish finance sector in particular, and mobilize the private sector to create the needed financial resources to achieve Sustainable Development Goals. In 2017, İşbank signed the Declaration of Sustainable Finance in Turkey prepared by the Global Compact Turkey Sustainable Banking and Finance Working Group. With the declaration, the signatory banks declared that they will take the environmental and social risks into consideration in the loan assessment processes in the investments of USD 10 million and above.

Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi)

The Science-Based Targets Initiative directs the private sector's climate action by enabling companies to set science-based emission reduction targets in order to keep the global temperature increase below 2⁰C and to meet the targets set in the Paris Agreement. In 2020, İşbank took an important step to manage its direct impact on climate change, and committed to calculate its Scope 1 and Scope 2 emission targets the Bank discloses within the scope of CDP reporting on the basis of Science-Based Targets.

30% Club

The 30% Club is a cooperation in which the chairpersons of the board of directors and CEOs aim to improve the gender balance at all levels of their organizations. Behind this cooperation lies the belief that gender balance will make companies more successful and boards more effective. İşbank became a member of the 30% Club in 2022.

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