
What is PaybyLink?

Paybylink is developed to meet the needs of our customers mainly making sales transactions via Mail Order / Telephone Order and also B2B’s, companies selling abroad, companies making sales via social media and call centers, and businesses that do not prefer to use POS devices.

With this service, you have the opportunity to make collections via a link (URL) you send to your domestic and foreign customers via SMS, e-mail or other communication applications.

How Can I Use PaybyLink?

This new payment system can be accessed through Ticari İnternet Şube, Maximum İşyerim and İşCep application. Customers who prefer to accept payments with this method have to download the Maximum İşyerim and İşCep application to their mobile devices on App Store or Android Store.

The seller can initiate the process by creating a link to the payment page via Ticari İnternet Şube, Maximum İşyerim and İşCep application and by sending it to the customer via SMS or e-mail. Then, the customer reaches the payment page with the information of the goods / services he/she has previously ordered by clicking on the link sent to him/her.

The customer completes the payment process by following these steps: Customer enters the "card number", "expiry date" and "security number (CVV)" information and clicks the "Pay" button on the payment page and enters the "3D Secure" password.

The link that the seller will send to its customers remains active for 1 day. At the end of this period, the link is expired and can’t be used by the customer.

Do I Need to Have a POS Device for PaybyLink?

All merchants who currently have an Isbank virtual POS can benefit from PaybyLink. Those who do not have a virtual POS can submit their requests via or by applying to the nearest İşbank Branch.​

Which Cards can be Used for Payment?

The following cards are accepted on PaybyLink:

Credit and debit cards with VISA, MasterCard, American Express, UnionPay, JCB and Discover and Diners Club logos​
Debit cards with VISA Electron logo
Cards with VISA VPAY logo
Debit cards with the Mastercard Maestro logo
Credit and debit cards with the TROY logo
Virtual cards issued by our Bank and other banks

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