With Marine Conservation Loan, it is aimed to provide financial support for preventing or reducing sea pollution incidents to all our commercial custromers who generate waste water in their production processes and who want to use water resources efficiently.
“Marmara… A Hope” Documentary
As İşbank, we provided support to “Marmara… A Hope” documentary, produced by Savaş Karakaş who is well known with sea and underwater documentaries, to take attention to the pollution of our water resources and raise awareness in our society.
Opinions are taken from scientists to public authorities, from fisherman to the people living in the region in the documentary, which is one of our projects under the theme of “Seas are Beautiful When Blue”. The reasons of mucilage formation, its effects on the living species in the region and what needs to be done to solve the problem are also revealed in the documentary. Please click here to reach the documentary.